• sfskaligarh@gmail.com
  • 9412172600

Our Rules And Regulations

  1. Strict regularity,implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct,cleanliness of dress and person besides politeness, is expected from every pupil. Pupils must strictly conform to the rules laid down in this regard
  2. The Pupils are responsible to the School authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported objectionable conduct out of the School on the part of pupils makes them liable for disciplinary action.
  3. Wearing of the School uniform is obligatory. Violation of this rule is sufficient reason for the expulsion of a student from the School. No student will be allowed in the School premises without the prescribed uniform
  4. Any kind of damage done in the School premises must be made good/compensated.
  5. No Book,newspaper,periodical or any material can be brought to the School without the Principal's permission.
  6. No student should posses electronic items and jewellers or valuables whatsoever in the school campus, the school shall not be responsible if these are lost or stolen. All electronic gadgets shall be confiscated.
  7. No Collection for any purpose,whatsoever,is to be made without the prior permission of the Principal
  8. No gifts, souvenirs shall be offered by parents to the members of the staff or other expressions in their honour, is allowed except with the permission of the principal.
  9. The date of birth of a student, once recorded at the time of admission will not be changed. The Parent /guardian will have to sign an undertaking to this effect.
  10. The name of a student who does not rejoin school within three days after the commencement of a term shall be struck off the roll unless leave has been previously applied for and the sanction obtained from the head of the institution.
  11. Note:-This rule does not prevent the Principal from refusing admission to the new session for adequate reasons.
  12. Children must speak English in the School Campus.

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